Dear Member,
Greetings from Neighbium!
Below are the recent features and enhancement in our App.
– Neighbium App is now available in English, Hindi, and Marathi for Residents and Gatekeeper. Other languages are coming soon.
– Support for draft notice is added in the Notice Section.
– Contra entry options in Accounts Action Center.
– Added support for Flat member history. Now track when did Tenants/Owners add to the Flat and when they left.
– Added Flat status change history: Now the system will track the status of the Flat moved to Vacant to Rented to Self-occupied or vice versa.
– Customize Bills/Invoices to include flat member name. You can now choose the owner or tenant name to get added in invoices and receipts.
– Automated language translation for Society Notices as per the mobile default language.
– Automated language translation for Society Meetings as per the mobile default language.
– Added settings in User Profile to control automated translation.
– Messages are now more informative for events like New Notice Published, Meetings Scheduled/Updated, Helpdesk Ticket Added/Assigned to Vendor. SMS will directly open the UI or guide the user to install the app is missing.
– Allows Admin to select any date in Quarter for the scheduled due date. eg. in Q3, now you can select Nov 10 or Dec 10 as a due date.
– Support for clickable links, email, phone numbers in the chat messages.
– Ability to download License receipt from license page payment history if paid through App.
– Download SMS package receipt from payment history in the SMS Center if paid through App.
– Performance and stability improvements
– Minor Bug Fixes.