Must have Features for Housing Society Management Solution

must have features for online housing society management solution

Being a chairman or secretary of a housing society sounds like a challenging task. Right from sending notifications for a society meeting to sending reminders for bill payments, it comes with a lot of responsibility and one has to spend hours of paperwork every week trying to sort out the missed payments, pending dues, visitor tracking and keeping all essential data up-to-date. As societies get larger and more complex, is it really possible to manage everything efficiently just through paperwork and multiple excel sheets?? The answer is No and the Chairman of a housing society said this with a heavy sigh.

In a world that’s increasingly taking the digitized route for smoother and hassle-free operations, why spend half of your life in collecting dues, setting up reminders for bill payments and follow-ups?? This is when a trusted Housing society management solution sounds like a good idea that can manage and maintain societies with a breeze beside fully automating your collections.

Here are Some Features your Housing Society Management Solution must-have.

1. Manage owner, tenant, staff, vehicle, asset, income, expenses, late payment, etc from one place.

From security to record-keeping, let your housing society management solution do it all rather than you spend hours staring through multiple files and end up groaning in frustration. Gone are the days of handwritten excel sheets! Your housing management solution must be able to easily manage essential data that relates to owners, buyers, and renters.

2. Automate and simplify operations

Does your management solution fully automate the working of a housing society? Your housing society management solution must feature billing and accounting tools that can fully automate collections and send timely reminders to society members for pending payments and thus helping simplify complex operations of society be it of any size.

3. Building a stable society and encouraging people to be part of the managing committee

Your housing society management solution must enable you to publish notice boards and polls all on one platform so that the society members can make sure they do not miss out any important notifications and what follows is a collective and effective decision making. Also, it should have the vendors listed so that residents can easily approach them.

4. Encourage interaction of society members via group chats, polls, and events.

Most of us don’t know our neighbors and our peer society members and it seems we stay in our own little bubble. An effective housing society management solution must allow an exchange of thoughts, ideas, opinions, and information with other society members via group chats, polls, and events. Bringing a new level of interactivity will build a sense of community and end up living in a happy neighborhood!


Wondering if you have got the right housing society management solution with all the above features? Let Neighbium be your helping neighbor! Neighbium is your one-stop destination for your society needs to simplify association operations and improve the satisfaction of owners and tenants. While providing a robust, stable and dependable solution, it offers an effective mechanism to interact with your visitors while exchanging your thoughts.


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